![]() Do you ever feel like a failure because your dreams don’t become a reality? I have been there. We all have. But never giving up is the key to one day making it happen! I just listened to an incredible podcast from my friend, Josh S. Clark, who shared his insights on having a dream big enough to inspire you to never give up. Wow! What a powerful message!! A Proverbs Josh shared was, "Where there is no vision, the people perish . . ." (Proverbs 29:18) This is so true! Without a vision it is impossible to reach your chosen destination. Josh shared these eight reasons why your dreams might die and I wanted to share them with you. ❇️ Your dream isn’t authentic. If your dream doesn’t get you jumping out of bed in the morning ready to get going, it probably isn’t inspiring enough to ever be reached. Determine what your passion is and make it happen! ❇️ Stop dreaming. People get into a rut and discouraged believing their dream will never happen so they stop dreaming altogether and stop having faith. Don't let this happen to you. If we stop dreaming, we really stop living and we are not seeking the path God intended for us while here on earth. ❇️ Dream isn’t big enough. Make sure you really set your sights on BIG dreams. And have a bag full of dreams to keep you inspired. Set big goals, but then set small milestones as well so you don't get discouraged because your dream is taking too long. ❇️ Continue growing. If your dream isn’t helping you grow in your life, it won’t keep your attention for too long. Reach for the stars ... you may miss, but you will still land in the clouds! ❇️ Supporting community. Without people in your life that are encouraging and uplifting, it is hard to be positive. Motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Essentially, the people you spend the most time with shape who you are. Remember, there will always be negative people trying to squash your dreams so surround yourself with positive influence to ensure you continue seeking those goals. ❇️ Dream doesn’t have a roadmap. Yes dreams are fantastic and keep us seeking to be better, but if you don’t have a guideline to how we are going to get there, chances are you will be easily derailed. ❇️ Supportive daily habits. Once you have determined your roadmap of how you can be successful in reaching your dream, set some daily habits that will help you get there ... then make sure to do them! ❇️ Accountability partner. Find someone in your life who will be there to hold you accountable to the goals you want to accomplish. It is proven that having someone like-minded with the same passion as you can help you stay on the path to reaching your ultimate destiny. As Josh said, “Are you raring or just ready?” The definition of “raring” is full of eagerness or enthusiastic. I want to be raring in everything I decide to do!! I truly believe that we all have different purposes here while on earth. Most importantly is to spread the word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and another is live the life God would want us to live while inspiring others to be the best they can be in everything they do. Today is the first day of the rest of your life ... how will you spend it? If you would like the link to Josh's full podcast, please let me know and I can share it with you.
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